WELCOME to the

FinFluencers learning platform


Here you can find material, resources, short-tests, videos, that will help you boost your financial literacy.
Across 5 different modules, you will be guided through the basics of financial literacy and why it is so important for a young person, you will acquire knowledge on how financial services work, but also skills and ways to manage and plan your personal finances, and of course, how financial literacy is associated with work-life, different employment forms, and entrepreneurship.

All the material and content is the result of a thorough research, having also involved young persons like you, who shared their needs in order to become financial literate, and their preferred learning modes and styles. We invite you not only as isolated learners, but as a part of a wider community of young persons across the countries participating in this project.
The platform is offered free! Before registering, we recommend you watch the video on how to use the platform.

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